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• Warehouse Rack (Light Rack) • Steel Shelf (Archive Rack) • Staff Lockers

• Warehouse Rack Lightweight rack storage racks are the most ideal rack systems used for the storage of small and medium-sized products. They are manufactured up to 4 meters in height and 80 cm in depth. Shelf spacing and number can be adjusted as desired. Production is made in special sizes and colors according to the order. No equipment is needed for the assembly of the products. They are plug-in systems. There are models suitable for area sizes and usage areas.

• Archive Shelving It enables us to use the available space with maximum efficiency in ordering the files and folders in an order and protecting the products against wear. It provides an economical and practical solution in storage. Archiving files of the main public institutions and companies are the priority areas of use. has been preferred.

• Staff LockerLocker cabinets are metal cabinets that are used to improve the safety and efficiency of the personnel in a limited area in an orderly manner. Their products are metal protected and they are designed to meet the needs of the personnel. It is preferred by the sectors. It is durable, long-lasting and economical. Single door, two, three, four and six door models are available.
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